Pest Control Services

We assure professional, knowledgable staff to provide the very best in service to help make your home investment secure. As always safety for you, your children, pets and the environment is our major goal. Harbor Wildlife Control specializes in wildlife and animal removal services. If you are looking for a company to help with your insect infestation you should contact one of the companies listed below to better suit your needs.

Pest Control Services
Cooper Pest Solutions

Cooper Pest Solutions

Cooper's Services

Tick Control:
The best way to prevent tick-borne diseases is to avoid tick-infested areas, including woodland, wooded edges, and landscaped areas with dense ground cover, leaf litter, or shrubs. So how do you avoid this at your own home ? Give us a call. We will treat your home three times during the tick season to abate your tick problem and possible tick borne diseases.

Inspection Reports: (Clearance Letter)
Why settle for just a partial inspection when buying your new home ? We offer a comprehensive inspection that will include any wildlife problems your future puchase has or may have had in the past. Wildlife can also do extensive damage and pose some very serious health risks. Termites are not the only destroyers of your home. Carpenter Ants and Bees and wood boring beetles will also damage your home, known as Wood Destroying Insects (WDI).

Our highly trained inspectors will look for active infestations which could lead to structural damage as well as existing damage. We will provide you with state approved reports identifying problem areas. We will also provide you with an inspection report outlining any wildlife issues, including mice. We can remedy these problems as well.

Gypsy Moth Inspections:
Planning to move from an area infested with gypsy moth to an uninfested area? Failure to inspect household articles for gypsy moth life stages prior to movement from a regulated area is a violation of USDA quarantine regulations and may result in significant civil penalties and loss of property. Inspecting your property for gypsy moths goes beyond being a good neighbor: it is required by law.


Serving the Following Counties:
| Middlesex County | Monmouth County | Somerset County | Union County | Warren County |
| Sussex County | Morris County | Essex County | Hudson County | Hunterdon County |
and Richmond County (Staten Island), NY